Modem properties

NOTE: These settings may be worded differently than listed below, depending on the modem you are using.

Connection Preferences
If possible, connection settings for a modem should normally be changed in individual applications, such as HyperTerminal, rather than through the 'Modem' option in Control Panel.

Use Tone Dialing
Clear this check box if the phone being used does not support touch tone.

Wait for Dial
Clear this check box if the modem does not detect a dial tone and the modem was obtained from a foreign country.

Cancel the Call
Adjust the number of seconds to wait for a call to go through before disconnecting.

NOTE: Click 'Advanced...' in the '<modem> Properties' dialog box, to view Advanced settings.

Use Error Control
This is a feature of most newer modems. Select the 'Use Error Control' check box to increase file transfer speed by eliminating errors caused by phone line disturbances. However, if the modem has difficulty connecting, clear the check box.

Required To Connect
Select this check box only if the modem must connect to another modem if that modem uses error control.

Compress Data
Select this check box to increase transmission speed by compressing data.
NOTE: Enabling this feature may cause difficulties in connecting. Try not to use this option when data has already been compressed by another application.

Use Cellular Protocol
Select this check box to reduce errors over cellular connections.

Use Flow Control
Select this check box to avoid loss of data. Select the 'RTS/CTS' radio button if the modem cable has RTS and CTS wires.
NOTE: Refer to the modem documentation to find out if the cable has RTS and CTS wires.

Low-Speed Modulation Settings
Select from the drop-down list box, to solve international calling difficulties.
Windows 95 provides three possible settings:
- Bell 103 and 212A, A (for calls in the United States)
- ITU-TV V.21 and V.22 (for international calls)
- ITU-TV V.23 (for French Minitel calls)

Record a Log File
Select this check box to enable recording of modem commands and responses in the Modemlog.txt file.
NOTE: This file may be used for troubleshooting.

Extra Settings
Type any extra modem commands that Windows 95 must use in the initialization sequence. Do not include the 'AT' prefix in this box.
NOTE: This field should only be used by technical support personnel.